5 Painting Tips From Tomáš Honz

Walid Feghali
February 24, 2024
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In this article we have some great advice for artists by Tomáš Honz, a Czech Republic based traditional fine art painter and digital artist. His main focus is environmental and personal fine art. Tomáš work is inspiring and well executed; see for yourself:

TOMÁŠ HONZ Paintings

Here are 5 great tips from Tomáš:


Carry a sketchbook in your pocket as often as you can and sketch everything that catches your eye. The more you train your eyes to explore your surroundings, the easier it will be for you to see all the treasures that are always there. And travel. Broaden your horizons while you are still young. If you already have some responsibilities, find a way to travel anyway! It is easier now than it has ever been, so take advantage of it while it lasts. It will truly help you with being curious and…


Inspiration is out there, in the real world. It’s everywhere. Of course you will keep getting what they call artist blocks if you only spend your time in front of a computer screen. Hunting pictures on the internet, playing games or watching movies – these things won’t bring you the best new ideas. Rather, get out there and find something that is your own and bring to the art world. You’ll be amazed how much inspiration there is to find outside!


Don’t frame painting or whatever it is you want to be doing as work, but regard it as play instead. Or as something you do because you want to, not because you have to. If you can do that then an amazing shift happens. You notice that you are not tired at the end of the day, because you’re having fun and can’t wait to get back at it next time. You don’t have to convince yourself to get up and start working in the morning. You get up eager because there is a day full of what you love doing ahead of you!

TOMÁŠ HONZ painting


Know well what you are about to paint. When you are painting outside, don’t settle for looking at your subject from one point. Walk around, touch it, smell it, think about it, feel it. Only after you become intimate with it, start painting. When doing digital paintings, do lot of research. Never guess, always know. Build a good library of photos, ideally taken by yourself at your travels, and use them. Imagine how awesome it would be to be able to use only your own assets – how much more personal and felt through your art would be.


Always do your best. Don’t settle for mediocrity. This goes for both personal and commercial work. You will feel much better about yourself when you know that you did the best you could at the moment. And your clients will more likely be coming back to you with a smile and another commission proposal. Also, don’t take on too many commissions so your quality suffers – rather take fewer and make them great. Make your clients happy.


Check out more about Tomáš Honz and his art here:

Website: www.tomashonz.com

DeviantArt: http://merl1ncz.deviantart.com

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TomasHonz

Artstation: http://tomashonz.artstation.com

Tumblr: http://tomashonz.tumblr.com

Stay awesome, folks. Until next time!

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Walid Feghali

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